Friday, June 24, 2016

Aamal of Shab-e-Qadr

Shab-e-Qadr (the night of Qadr) is a highly virtuous night since the Holy Quran was transferred on the holy heart of the Holy Prophet(sawaw) in this night. There are three probable nights which might contain the Shab-e-Qadr - the 19th, 21st and the 23rd night of Ramzan. Most of the scholors regard the 23rd of Ramzan as the most probable night of Qadr.
The prayers of one night of Shab-e-Qadr are stated to be better thatn the prayers of one thousand nights. It is the night during which the events of the next year are determined and Angels descend on earth thorughout the nigh and visit the Imam-al-Asr waz-Zaman Imam Mehdi(a.s.). Each momin and momina has been suggested to wake up and pray, recite the Holy Quran and ask for the betterment of the current and the life hereafter.
Common Aamal of all the three nights of Shab-e-Qadr
It is recommended that momineen perform ablution in the evening so that the prayers of Maghrib and Isha'a are performed in absolute cleanliness. Step by Step aamal are stated below for the purpose of clarity.
1. Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) has said that whoever performs two Raka'at of prayers during Shab-e-Qadr in a manner that after Sura Al-Hamd, recites 7 times Sura Tawheed (Qul ho-Allah ho Ahad) and after prayers recites 70 times  (Astaghfirulla-ha wa-atoubo ilaeh) , then before his rising up from the prayers, Allah(swt) will forgive all his sins and the sins of his parents.
2. Imam Mohammad Baqi(a.s.) says that during these nights (i.e. the 19th, 21st and 23rd of Ramzan) hold and open the Holy Quran in front of your face and recite this Dua :
Alla humma inni as 'aluka be kitabek-al munzal-e wa ma feeh-e wa feehismok-al akbaro
wa asmaaukal husna wa ma yukhafu wa yurja an taj 'alani min utaqa'eka min-an nar-e
wa taqzi-a hawa'eji lid-duniya wal aakhirah.
and then ask for whatever you wish from your Lord(swt). Inshallah that wish will be granted.

3. Imam Jafer-e-Sadiq(a.s.) recommends that "Put the Holy Quran on your head and say:
Alla humma be haqqe hazal qura'ane wa be haqqe man arsaltahu behi wa be haqqe kulle mu'minin madahtahu feehe wa be haqqeka alaehim fala ahada aarafo be haqqeka minka.

10 times: beka ya Allah-ho (swt),
10 times: be-Mohammad-in (pbuh&hf),
10 times: be-Ali-in (a.s.),
10 times: be-Fatima-ta (a.s.),
10 times: bil-Hasan-e (a.s.),
10 times: bil-Hussain-e (a.s.),
10 times: be-Ali ibn-il-Hussain-e- (.a.s),
10 times: be-Mohammad ibn-e-Ali-in (a.s.),
10 times: be-Jaffer ibn-e-Mohammad-in (a.s.),
10 times: be-Moosa ibn-e-Jaffer-in (a.s.),
10 times: be-Ali ibn-e-Moosa (a.s.),
10 times: be-Mohammad ibn-e-Ali-in (a.s.),
10 times: be-Ali ibn-e-Muhammad-in (a.s.),
10 times: bil Hassan ibn-e-Ali-in (a.s.),
10 times: bil-Hujjat il-Qayyam-e (a.s.)

After this whatever wish you have, ask your Lord(swt) for it.
4. It is highly recommeded to recite the Ziarat-e-Warisa of Imam Hussain(a.s.) in all the three nights and to perform 100 raka'at in all the three nights - specially in the night of the 23rd of Ramzan. If you do not feel sufficient energy to pray standing, still it is recommeded to pray in sitting position. If some of your prayers are QAZA (obligatory prayers missed earlier which have to be performed) then perform the QAZA prayers of 6 days instead of the 100 raka'at of prayers.
5. During these nights it is recommended to recite Dua Joshan-e-Kabeer, Dua Joshan-e-Sagheer, Dua Makaram-ul-Ikhlaq and Dua-e-Tauba.

Special Aamal of the night of 19th Ramzan
In addition to the above mentioned aamal, it is recommended to recite the following:
100 times :  (Astaghfirulla-ha wa-atoubo ilaeh)
100 times:  (Allahummal an qatalata ameer-il-momimineen-a)
and recite this Dua:
Allahumaj al feema taqzi wa tuqaddiru min-al amr-il-mahtoome wa feema tafruqu min
al-amril hakeem-e fi lailatil qadr-e min-al qazaa il-lazi la yuraddu wa la yubaddalu an taktubani
min hujjaj-e baitak-al haram-il mabroor-e hajjohumul mashkoor-e sa'eyohumul maghfoor-e zonoobohumul
mukaffir anhum say'ea'atohum waj-al feema taqzi wa tuqqadir-o an tuteela umri
wa tuwassea ala'iyya fi rizqi
wa tuqaddir li fi jamee-e umoori ma huwa khairun li fee dunyaya
wa aakhirati yaa arham-ar rahemeen.

Special Aamal of the night of 21st Ramzan
The aamal of the 21st night are exactly the same as those of the 19th

Special Aamal of the night of 23rd Ramzan
The aamal of the 23rd of Ramzan are also the same as stated for the 19th of Ramzan. In addition, the following is also recommended:
1. Imam Jaffer-e-Sadiq(a.s.) has stated that whoever recites Sura al-Ankaboot and Sura ar-Room will be among the people of Paradise. In addition, recitation of Sura ad- Dukhkhan and 1000 times Sura al-Qadr is also recommended.
2. Special Dua recommended for this night is as follows:
Allahumamdud li fi umri wa oose lee fee rizqi wa ass-seh lee
jismi wa balaghni amali wa in kunto min al ashqiyaa-e fam humni min
al ashqiyaa-e wak tubni minas soadaa-e fa innaka qulta fi kitabik al munzale
ala nabiyyak al mursil-e salawatuka alayeh wa aalehi yamhullah-u ma yashaa-u wa yusbitu
wa indahu umm-ul kitab.
and also this dua
allahummaj alni min aufir-re
ebadika naseebam min dulle khairin anzaltahu fi hazehil lailate wa anta munziluh
min noor-e tahdi behi au rehmatin tanshuruha au rizqin tuqsimuhu au bala-in
tadfa-u-hu au zurrin takshifuhu waktub li ma katabta le-auliyaa-e kas-sauleheen-
al lazeenas taujibu minkas-sawaba wa aamanu berazaka anhum minkal
iqaba ya kareem-o ya kareem-o alla humma salle ala mohamaddin wa aal-e mohammad
waf al bi zalika be rahmateka ya arhamar rahemeen.
3. It is highly recommended to recite Dua Joshan-e-Kabeer, Dua Joshan-e-Sagheer, Dua Makaram-ul-Ikhlaq andDua-e-Tauba. during this night.

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